If your tracking results show the parcel has arrived destination for a long time but does not have delivery information, normally this means the parcel has a delivery problem. The failure delivery reasons might be as following:
The address, city or postcode is wrong.
The import customs does not release the goods. You may have to pay the import duty first.
The postman has sent the goods to your mailbox, or deposit spot and you have not checked yet.
The recipient is not available at the address when the postman tried to make delivery.
The parcel address has no P.O Box number. This is the most common return reason for parcels to U.A.E
Remember that China is a member of the Universal Postal Union(UPU), its parcel will be delivered by the UPU member in your country. In most cases, this UPU member is your country’s postal service provider or postal company. So if the parcel has a delivery problem in your country, you should contact your local post office and inquiry about parcel delivery detail.