Blue Egyptian Lotus Flowers in Full Bloom Water Lily Tea Dried Nymphaea Caerulea


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Product Overview

Type: Herbal
Packaging: Bag
Origin: China
Description: Nymphaea caerulea, better known as the blue lotus flower, is actually a gift to the world. Originally found on the banks of the river Nile, the Nymphaea caerulea, also called the blue lily, today is found all over the world including the Indian sub-continent. This beautiful blue flower is considered sacred by Indians, especially the Buddhists. Historians have always considered the blue lily symbolically rich and associated it with the ancient Egyptian culture. But recent studies have revealed that it has healing properties as well. It can be used to make various healthy concoctions including blue lotus tea, wine and martinis! All you need to do is to soak the petals for up to three weeks to obtain the intoxicating beverage.
Nutritional Value
A steroid known as Nymphayol present in these flowers is scientifically responsible for anti- diabetic activity. This steroid performs its duty by healing the endocrine tissues which are damaged. It even has the power of stimulating insulin secretion in beta cells. Extract of this flower contains anti- oxidant, which helps the body remain young. The all-in-one nymphaea caerulea provides a warm pleasant feeling. It is one of the best natural health enhancing tonics that has ever been found.
No matter how you consume it, the Nymphaea caerulea will surely provide your body with tons of health benefits!
1. Natural Moisturizer:
In many countries extracts from nymphaea caerulea is used in the preparation of the skin care products that provides instant hydration to the skin. So if you suffer from dry, flaky skin, use this natural moisturizer and flaunt your new found glowing skin!
2. Oil Control:
So you have oily skin? No worries; the blue lily has something for you too! External use of blue water lily can balance oily skin and prevent pimple and acne breakouts.
3. Relaxant:
You are stressed and anxious, looking for some relief. Turn to Nymphaea caerulea! Blue lily flower is also used to make perfumes and its oil is widely used in aromatherapy.
4. Natural Conditioner:
Composition of few hair conditioners contains extracts of blue water lily. A surprising discovery has been made that proves the effectiveness of using the extracts of this flower in hair conditioning products to increase the natural shine of the damaged hair.
Nymphaea caerulea can also help increase the volume, body as well as elasticity of brittle hair. So, if you have limp, dull hair, grab some blue lily extracts and use it on your hair for beautiful, healthy hair!
5. Menstruation Problems:
Some women go through hell each month because of various menstruation problems. These problems can be treated and naturally cured by the usage of nymphaea caerulea. The use of this flower or its extracts can help regulate irregular periods and ease menstruation cramps.
6. Depression:
Depression, stress, anxiety-all fallouts of today’s fast paced world. All of these mental problems can be relieved with the help of nymphaea caerulea’s root. It also increases human memory power.
7. Diabetic:
Diabetic complications such as cardiovascular problems are potentially regulated by this sacred water lily.
8. Gastrointestinal Problems:
Stomach disorders like diarrhea and dysentery can be cured by using the rhizome of this beautiful sacred river flower. Its rhizome also possesses the ability to treat dyspepsia. This flower is also used in treating jaundice and other internal gastrointestinal disorders. Consuming concoctions containing this healthy herb is known to help treat damaged liver too.
9. Muscle Relaxant and Painkiller:
Studies show that this sacred flower has muscle relaxant properties. So, if you are suffering from nerve disorders, use this flower for pain relief and well as relaxation.
10. Other Health Benefits:
This blue symbolic flower has the potential to regulate your urinary system.
If a person is suffering from constipation, then nymphaea caerulea can really help. 
Brewing Guide: Steep 1 blossom of dried leaves in 1 cup of hot water. Cover it for 5 minutes. 


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