Product Overview
The most popular of all scented teas, Pearl jasmine are created by rolling specially plucked long downy shoots into little silvery “pearls” which are naturally scented multiple times with fresh, aromatic jasmine flowers. Pearl jasmine tea is named after the pearl like shape of the tea. Each small pearl is hand rolled. The tea is made by laying fresh jasmine petals atop the tea leaves, then tea leaves atop more petals, and so on. Up to six layers of blossoms alternating with tea leaves are used to create the highest- quality jasmines, using flowers picked at their aromatic peak. When the jasmine scent is fully merged with the leaves, the petals are removed, and the tea carefully dried again. Each pearl blosoms when added to water. This stunning tea has an intense flavour and the beautiful aroma of jasmine.
Jasmine tea is like champagne. It goes with almost everything, stands alone, and makes both a perfect hostess gift and a fabulous iced tea drink. Note that jasmine "pearls" are individual tea leaves are rolled by hand into tiny balls - each its own little world of flavor. Watch the pearls blossom before your eyes.
How best to brew this divine full-leaf tea:
1. Place enough pearls to cover the bottom of the cup with a single layer.
2. Start heating about 2 to 3 cups of cold, filtered water until you get Shrimp Eyes (140-160F). When these tiny bubbles cover the bottom of the pan, pour the water into the guywan.
3. Cover and wait about a minute until the pearls begin to open, then watch as they settle, stroking the liquid occasionally with the lid.
4. In 2 to 3 minutes your first sip is ready.
6 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
5 The classic scented tea
Posted by Mike on 2021-03-19 14:33
Though I'm not a fan of scented teas in general, this one is an exception, both because it's not overwhelming and (to the best of my knowledge) uses real jasmine for the scenting (rather than artficial flavoring). It's the perfect option if you're just starting exploring loose teas, and also if you're having guests/friends who may not be much into regular tea. Of course, it's also very nice for casual drinking. As for this specific tea, the quality is indeed very good (perhaps not the very best you could possibly get, but most would'nt notice the difference, should they try a pricier one), it arrived fresh and vacuum sealed.
5 Perfect blend
Posted by Yuliya on 2020-06-08 17:27
I love this blend. I’ve been ordered it for a long time, quality is perfect.
5 классика жасминового чая
Posted by Marat Grigoriev on 2020-06-06 2:32
замечательный очень свежий чай заваривать можно три раза смело. Пью его каждый день уже много лет
5 отлично
Posted by Kirill on 2019-07-13 13:22
замечательный чай быстро заваривается обладает классическим ароматом жасминового чая
5 A classic
Posted by Joe on 2018-01-22 3:44
The one that actually started me on my tea journey, I still love the way each leaf unfurls and how wonderful it smells; it truly is a classic.
4 Good for every day for work
Posted by Tim on 2017-11-24 21:34
It's a good quality. Smells fresh and softly. Good for three times.